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Choreographer and Director

2022 (Germany)

"Lovers against Lions"

Street intervention, where different non-heteronormative couples kiss nonstop while setting up a barricade of camping tents in a public square. Performance presented in Berlin, Gießsen, Hamburg and Belo Horizonte, and at festivals: Giennalle, Fluctplasma and "A grande area - FunarteMg".

Directed and created by Guilherme Morais, assisted and performed by Noah Rees.

Photos: artofunka

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Captura de Tela 2024-01-10 às 170204.jpg
Captura de Tela 2024-01-10 às 170217.jpg

2021 (Brasil)

- Antes de tudo justaposto que está por vir 

10-hour performance show, carried out for the "Terça da dance" project in partnership with the Dance Reference Center of Belo Horizonte, occupying the showcase of the Teatro Municipal Marilia in the center of the city of Belo Horizonte. Dancing Clarice Panadés, Guilherme Morais and Bernardo Rb. 

Photos: Centro de Referencia da Danca

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Captura de Tela 2022-02-28 às 19.08.14.png

2019 (Brasil)
- Célula

show with 20 professional and amateur dancers. Held at the Belo Horizonte Youth Reference Center as a finalization of the PIIM - Intensive Research and Assembly Program lasting 06 months, involving more than 08 renowned teachers and artists from the city in exchange with teenagers. Guilherme Morais directs the show and general direction of the PIIM program.

The program was supported by the Municipal Cultural Foundation of Belo Horizonte.

Photos: Flavia Mafra

2021 (Germany)

- Das ist kein Spiel

within the project "Moving the Forum" scenic invasion with 30 children from the 7th grade class (Robert-Blum-Schule) in the castle museum "Humbold Forum" with the choreographers Guilherme Morais, Marcelo Omine, Tamar Grosz and the musician Emilio Gordoa.

Funded by: The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media + Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Construction.

Photos: Guilherme Morais

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WhatsApp Image 2021-05-28 at 3.28.15 PM-2.jpeg
PIIM- Programa
PIIM intensvo
PIIM Investigacao

2018 (Brasil)

Solo performance by actress Docimar Moreira directed by Guilherme Morais. Photos: Fabiano Lana


2017 (Brasil)

dance duo with Dorothe Depeauw (Belgium) and Guilherme Morais With support from the UFMG Cultural Center. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Guilherme began his research into neuroscience and voluntary and involuntary movements .Premiering at the Verao contemporary art festival at CCBB.BH, and presenting numerous others festivals, including the Itacaré dance festival in Bahia.

Photos: Alessandra Fiorini

asararas guilherme morais

2016 (Brasil)
- Bat me e Rob me

choreographic installation with Guilherme Morais and Tuca Pinheiro in partnership with video artist Sara Lana. With federal support from Petrobras in partnership with Instinct Espaço Ambiente, made exclusively for the IMA - Imagem Movimento e Afins festival.

Photos: Flavia Mafra

Batme e robme guilherme morais tuca
batme e robme guilherm morais tuca
guilherme morais tuca pinheiro

2015 (Brasil)
- Mula

solo by Guilherme Morais, choreographed by a "Baratinha" Mule where he lived like an animal for 3 months to create this solo. Carried out with funds from the FunarteMG award.

Photos: Lucas Dias

mula guilherme morais
gulheme morais mula
mula gulherme morais.jpg

2015 (Brasil)
-Calor na Bacurinha

Feminist performance theater show by "CIA A Peregrina" awarded as best "Scene show" by Galpão Cine Horto.

Photos: Jod Moreira

as bacurinhas guilherme morais
as bacurinhas cine horto

2013 (Brasil)

It began as a successful short scene that turned into a dance show with a large cast of actors and performers, where the aim is to shed both the body and the ideas. Featured scene award at the Festival of short scenes at Galpao Cine Horto. The show was presented at the MAP-Pampulha Art Museum, Sesc Palladium, Circuito Praça da Liberdade, Virada Cultural and others...

Photos: Denise Braga

derrame guilherm morais
derrame guilherme morais marcelo veronez
derrame guilherme morais

2012 (Brasil)
- TransUnder the general direction of Guilherme Morais, the duo with Ana Luisa Santos was created from the director's meeting with the group "Futuro transgender" from Buenos Aires, where he was a militant participating artist between 2008 and 2011. The show was funded by the Observatorio do extinct Espaço Ambiente, and was circulated through the Premio Minas Cena. This show completed 100 presentations that ran until 2016.

Photos: Ronaldo Alves and Lucas Dias

trans guilherme morais
guilherme morais
trans ana luisa santos gui

2007 (Brasil)
- working in degreesSolo by renowned dancer and teacher Regina Amaral (Grupo Corpo), where she revisits dance classics in a mode of deconstruction or falling apart.

Photos: Daniel Vidal

working in degrees

Assistant Director


-Umbiquitous Assimilation do Grupo Oito direção de Ricardo de Paula

Gropius Bau. Berlin - Fotos: Tito Casal

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- Virginia

solo de Melina Seldes direção de Viviana Iasparra
Elkafka Espacio Teatral. Buenos Aires - Foto Nacho Iasparra


-Unrestricted Contact

do Grupo Oito direção de Ricardo de Paula
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse. Berlin - Fotos: Ze de Paiva


-Ojos abiertos, ojos cerrados

Duo de dança dirigido por Viviana Iasparra
El excéntrico de la 18. Buenos Aires - Foto: Nacho Iasparra

ojos abiertos ojos cerrados
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